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painting with photography - collages photographiques
Sodade* /(RE)BUILD series
47 x 32 in / 120 x 82,5 cm
528 photographs taken in twenty cities in France and Spain, over a period of 3 years, to bring together all the nuances of colors (captured as is in the city, without retouching).
Digital photographic collage
Printed on Hahnemühle paper, Photo Rag® Ultra Smooth
Etoffes dans la ville,
vouées à disparaitre.
Que dissimulent-elles?

Shooting scarce yellow scaffold sheetings in Barcelona, Spain, 2019.

Berlin, 2022
shooting de bâches d'échafaudages bleues
* Cesaria Evora
"Sodade, sodade, sodade da minha terra"
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